Adding Google Sitemap

Nobody can deny that Google is the best search engine. As google is used by most users so it is a great way to get new visitors to your blog.
Adding your site to google webmaster tools increases your blog’s visibility in search engines which means more traffic.
Adding Google Sitemap:
  1. Login to Blogger Dashboard.
  2. At the end of the page, under Tools and Resources box – Click on Webmaster Tools.
  3. If asked, enter username and password again to Login.
  4. Your Blogspot blog is now verified and it is added to Google Webmaster tools.
  5. Inside Webmaster tools, click on Submit a Sitemap and add the following code inside the box:
  6. If you have more than 200 posts then replace value 100 by something bigger number like 500.
  7. You have successfully added the Google Sitemap.

Adding Facebook Share Button on Your Blogger Blog

Facebook has now officially introduced the Retweet like facebook buttons for your blogs or sites. Adding a Facebook share count button will show a neat count of how many times your blog post has been shared on Facebook.

Code for Facebook Share count button:

<div style="float:right;padding:4px;">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='box_count'/>  
<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>

How to install Facebook Share Count Button on your Blogger Blog?

  • Login to your Blogger Dashboard and navigate to Layout > Edit Html and check the check box which says “Expand  widget templates”.
  • Find this piece of code
    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
    • and immediately after that place our Facebook share button code (that you copied)
    • If you were unable to find this code in your template,then look for the first occurrence of
    • and immediately before that paste our Facebook Share button code(that you copied).
    • Save the template and you should get a facebook share count button near each of your blog posts.
    (Thanks to Blogger SEO for this Post)

      "Facebook Like" | Recommend Button For Blogger

      (updated : 13th July 2011)
      Facebook has many new sets of Social plugins which enable you to provide engaging social experiences to your users with just a line of HTML. The Facebook Like Button is One of them.
      I am gonna show you how to place the Like Facebook like Button after every post of your blog.
      Follow the following steps:

      How to Add the Facebook Like Button Below every Post

      • Login to your Blogger Account and go to Design > Edit HTML and click on the check box which says “Expand Widget Templates”
      • Look for <data:post.body> and immediately after that place the following code:
          <fb:like expr:href="data:post.url" layout='standard' send='true' show_faces='false' font="arial" action="like" colorscheme="light"></fb:like>
        • Now look for </head>
        and immediately above that paste the following code
        <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
        (Note: you don't have to add this if you have already added this code for some other Facebook widget)

        Save the template and you should see the Like Button near each of your posts. You are done :)