Adsense ads in Blogger post body

Using Blogger Feature:

You can use Blogger's own feature of putting ads in between posts...
Go to Layout -> Page Elements... you would see "Blog posts" click the edit link at the bottom right corner.

You would need a Google Adsense . You will be assigned a publisher identity number which shall appear in all your adsense codes.....
Tick the "Show Ads Between Posts" .You can select whether to show ads after every post or after several posts.
Save and refresh your blog to see the ads...

More ad Locations:

Go to Adsense For Content
Make Ad of your choice
You would get a Adsense Code

Changing the Adsense Code:

You Should replace some character

< with &lt;
> with &gt;
" with &quot;

Your Adsense code should appear like this...

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;!--
google_ad_client = &quot;pub-0000000000000000&quot;;
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
google_ad_format = &quot;336x280_as&amp;amp;quot;;
google_ad_type = &quot;text&quot;;
google_ad_channel = &quot;&quot;;
google_color_border = &quot;FFFFFF&quot;;
google_color_bg = &quot;FFFFFF&quot;;
google_color_link = &quot;000000&quot;;
google_color_text = &quot;000000&quot;;
google_color_url = &quot;000000&quot;;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;

Insert Code Into Template:

Go to Blogger Account and Layout -> Edit HTML
"Expand Widget Templates"

First Download your template before making any changes...

Now search for "post.body" you should see these lines
<div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

If you want the ads to appear between your post title and post body, add the following code above the orange lines and if you want you your adsense code immediately after every individual post, add the following post below the orange lines.
The code to add is

 <div style='float:left; margin-left:30px'>
AdSense Code
Keep blogging!!!
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Research about Keywords

Keyword is the most important thing to build a website and blog... Especially for those who want to get profit or who want to earn money from their blog or website...Keyword is the most important thing to get their desired goals.Webmaster want to get visitors to their blog from search engines like Google etc. Real unique visitors are from search engines and Now a days search engines are favourite places to search about anything.
This research will help you to identify your keywords and search terms that are related to your blog to be used as search queries by the visitors from the search engines....
  1. What is the Primary content of your blog????.
    My primary content is Blogger, Just imagines what people would like to search for blogger. The list of search queries will be Blogger Help, Blogger Tips, Blogger Tricks, Blogger FAQ etc.
    So think like that what people can search about that topic that you have selected for your blog and make a list...
  2. The list you made of keywords, Search each word in the search engine and see which Blog or Website is on the top ranking, and make analysis to their keywords...
  3. And that's all see the keywords of those websites which are on the top ranking and make duplicate of their keywords or make your own...
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Keep Blogging

How to Upload Files to Blogger( Google

Many of my friends asked me about adding files to blogger....
Files refer to types of Files such as .doc, .xls, .pdf etc... The answer is you cannot upload any file to blogger other that images.... But there is another way...
All you have to do is to upload your file(s) to any online hosting service and link to that file from your BLOG
How to find Free online hosting service?
Ans: You can find alooooooot of free file hosting services Just go to and search for "free file hosting" and you would find alot.

One such service is Google Pages, which allows you to create up to three accounts, each offering 100 MB of free storage

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What's the reason for blogging??????

As i am blogging now i have a reason for blogging and that's i wana share my knowledge and help all my friends.... I am passionate about blogging and i love to share whatever knowledge i have about.....
These are my reason for blogging....
  1. Share Whatever You Want: Blog have flexibility, I can share anything with my readers, any knowledge i got, any experience i have about, Share pics i have interesting, videos which are helpful and interesting etc etc.....
  2. Blogs are easy to use: Blog are very easy to use nothing you have to learn about, Just make an account, Start blogging!!!!!
  3. More Friendships: Blogs are a great way to make communications to your visitors, When they leave comment or leave a chat box message....
  4. Get Revenue: It sounds great ahaaaan? When you are blogging for your interest and hobby and someone pays you? Yes by advertising on your blog you can earn a decent earnings, If you are having great content and useful content on your blog... then join PPC Ads like GOOGLE ADSENSE etc and start earnings
If you start blogging with a solid reason you would be able to be a Great Blogger.....

Blogger For Beginners

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Getting High ranking in Google,, Yahoo and Major Search engines

Hi Friends,
  This BLOG is about only one month old but Thanks to Allah (the greatest of all) i am getting high number of uniques visitor and readers......
    I am following some ways and tips.......
 I usually do Blog Walking and read other blog, I am coming to the point Remember whenever i read blog of other blogger i leave a comment on their post saying hi and introducing myself BUT leaving my BLOG URL in the comment .......
This is the main thing and it does not seem to be an important way to build you Search engine Ranking... BUT believe me its a very handy and useful way.....
Actually Search engines like GOOGLE , YAHOO etc Love this thing............. 

Isn't an easy step to build SEO ?

Other step that i have done is to Submit your Blog to All the major Search Engines ( like GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN etc....)

this is also a great way to have One Way Link Exchange and its counted alot in getting high ranking in Search Engines...

Nextly while reading other blogs (related to your blog's Content) ask the other Blogger for Link Exchange 

Next..... Add a Digg button with every post


 Add a "Share On Facebook" Link at the end of your posts....

That's all 
Keep Blogging 
and hope you liked the post....

Submitting Url and Link Exchange

When your blog is ready, you want to have somebody who read your blog? Means you want readers?
Firstly when i made my site and it was ready with some good kind of post i submitted Urls to search engines like GOOGLE, YAHOO and All the Major Search engines  ( for Submitting Blog to Search Engines).... But on the other hand when i did and still doing Blog Walking i sometimes offer the another blogger to link Exchange... This is very important.....
Submitting Url to the Search Engines mean you are introducing yourself to the search engines and on the other hand link exchange is also a method of introducing yourself to the search engines... And in this way the blog Link Builds and Search Engine Ranking Increases.....

Hope Useful......

Blog Walking

I wanted to write about this post to let you know how we can increase our site visitor and readers?
To increase  that you should start "BLOG WALKING"... Blog Walking mean to read other peoples blog and spend some time on their blog BUT remember you should leave a comment on their blogs by saying Hey!! and introducing yourself and leaving your url.
This is a great way to find more readers to your blog...
If you find a blog of same content like your blog have then you can ask him for link exchange...
Link exchange is a like a friendship in the BLOGOSPHERE...
It can be fun for you and a great traffic of visitors to your blog.....

Keep Blogging

Optimizing Blogger Title For Better SEO

Titles and Meta Tags has a great effect on the SERP's , so what can we do to improve serp and seo for blogger blogs? The codes below will display the name of a particular entry without bringing the name of the blog in first position and this will affect our serp since titles are important for google spiders.Here’re the codes :
Goto Edit Html and find the codes below

<title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title>

And change with this

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
; <title> <data:blog.pageName/>
| <data:blog.title/> </title>
<b:else/> <title>
<data:blog.pageTitle/> </title>

Submit Your Blog To Blog Directories

Submitting Blog to blog directories is one of the best way to get one way traffic and that's very very good for your blog's SERP's Ranking
I am providing you with some of the finest blog directories ......
Submit your blogs to those directories

1. Best of the Web Blog Search La Crem de la Crem, Best of the Web’s Blog Directory is very selective and only lists aged and valuable blogs. A link from here is majestic and well deserved.
2. EatonWeb Blog Directory is a real jewel with many aged inbound links and a blog rating system. You may have to pay a fee for your blog to be reviewed, but like Yahoo, the review fee is well worth the few dollars.
3. Blog Hub offers a drop down category and member blog list. With its “new blogger” list and hot topics, Blog Hub is a great directory to list your site.
4. Upon visiting Bloggernity, you find a crisp, clean, and easy to navigate site. Scrolling down, you find the new blogs. As there is little advertising on the home page, it is pleasant to the eye of the reader as well.
5. Blogarama has an impressive listing of over 65,000 blogs. The site is well designed and follows the same content categories as many other sites.
6. One of the most selective Blog Directories on the web (and Wordpress powered), Blog Search Engine is owned by Performancing’s parent company and serves search results powered by IceRocket.
7. Blog Catalog features a vast directory of categories, from academic to writing, while offering the ability to search by country, language, or user. It has a no frills design, but offers convenient member access through simple blog registration.
8. Globe of Blogs has too many features to list. In order to be listed on the site, the blog must not be commercial. The site may appear to be busy, but I like the features of being able to search by title, author, or subject. Narrowing the search becomes easier on this blog.
9. The ultimate directory of British blogs connotes all things British. It is not directed by location, but by the culture! It is asked that bloggers be genuinely “britished.” Being listed in this blog reaches readers all the way across the pond!
10. Blog Universe is the perfect place to promote your video or podcast themed blog. Its layout is easy to navigate. Although the content is limited, it is an all around good directory site worthy of submission.
11. Bigger Blogs is a relatively new blog directory with only a few blogs registered. The blog is intertwined with a business directory. The blog section is difficult to find, and it is located through a link on the right side of the business directory page. However, the benefit is that the earlier you are accepted on a blog directory, the more exposure your blog will obtain. In addition, a back link is indeed a back link, so this can help with your search engine placement.
12. Bloggeries has the best categories and subcategories home page on the internet. The layout is clear and concise, and readers are able to find what they are looking for in a snap!
13. Bloggapedia has an interesting and eye catching homepage. Readers are easily connected to the top blogs and newest posts. Innovative categories and a colorful design make this blog directory a hit.
14. Spillbean is a well-designed blog directory site with categories such as health, society, internet, and personal. The site is aesthetically pleasing, but there are not many listings yet.
15. Blogging Fusion is a blog with over sixty categories. These categories include photo blogs and family focused blogs. Blogging Fusion has an good amount of blog listings within the directory, and it also has visitor stats available.
16. Blogflux is not only a tool for bloggers, but a directory that has the listings in alphabetic order. The blog listings are organized and clear. It is definitely an effective blog directory in which to be listed.
17. The blogs on the top listings of Bloglisting are fun, colourful, and catch the attention of the reader. Bloglisting displays the page ranking blogs, which is a helpful tool when determining with whom you want to exchange links.
18. Blogio may be a small blog directory with few listings, but it worthy of a submission. Despite its small size, there are quality blogs and a solid ability to search on this site.
19. Blog Explosion claims to be the largest blog promoter on the internet. They have a vast directory but do not seem to have direct links. However, the listing in the directory can still show up in SERP’s, so keep this in mind.
20. Super Blog Directory is a great site that offers tools to posters that others do not. You can see the latest submitted links and blogs on the site, which is a perk that draws traffic into the directory.

Thanks to Loren Baker for the info

Add Meta Tags to Blogger

In your dashboard, navigate to your Template / Edit HTML tab and add the following code directly below this tag:
 <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> 

The Code is

<meta content='ADD YOUR SITE DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='ADD YOUR KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='ADD YOUR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

That's It you have added mata tags to your blogger blog....

Now for sure its easy for GOOGLE YAHOO and MSN and other Search Engines to find your Blog.....

To Hide The Blogger Nav Bar

1- Log in to blogger

2- On your Dashboard, select Layout. This will take you to the Template tab. Click Edit HTML. Under the Edit Template section you will see you blog's HTML.

3- paste this CSS definition

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

Just Below this

Blogger Template Style
Name: Rounders
Designer: Douglas Bowman
Date: 27 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */

It Should Look like this

Blogger Template Style
Name: Rounders
Designer: Douglas Bowman
Date: 27 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

Add a "Share On Facebook" Link

Hi Friends
Driving A great Traffic to your posts is to use Social Media sites like Facebook. There is an easy way to place a link at the end of everypost so that users can add it to their facebook profile.

It's very easy, all you have to do is edit your HTML template. Firstmake sure you have the "Expand Widget Templates" tab selected. Then find this piece of code:


and Below that place this:

 <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<br/>share on:
<a expr:href='"
share.php?u=" + data:post.url'>facebook

When a user clicks on the link it will add it to their news feed and show up on their facebook profile.

also see
Some great tips to get high rankings in Google and other search engines....

Adsense Top Secrets

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Add HTML and java Scripts Inside Blogger posts in a Display Box

It is very difficult for anyone using Blogger blogs to show HTML codes and JavaScript inside the blog posts . You might have also seen people showing the scripts in small display boxes of fixed length and width. Now after applying this Blogger trick , you would be able to show HTML and JavaScript inside Blogger posts with custom display boxes .

Click on layout of the blog in which want show HTML or JavaScript and now select edit HTML .Before you apply any Blogger hack ,remember to download and save your full template.Now tick the expand widget templates and move onto the selection shown below ( towards the end of CSS code )

Otherwise you can press Cntrl+F and paste ]]></b:skin> on appearing search box then enterPaste the following CSS code above that line .

border:1px solid #A6B0BF;
color:#000000 }
pre:hover {
border:1px solid #efefef;
code {
color: #000000;}
.clear { clear:both;

The above code is for drawing a display box inside the Blogger post to show HTML and JavaScript.You can change the length ,width ,size and color of the box , back ground image etc. by editing the CSS code. After adding this code you can call the display box anytime into your post by following next step


"your HTML or JAVA script"


In Blogger in draft , there would be a problem with this HTML and JavaScript display box . For fixing that,Expand Post options from the Blogger text editor ( On the bottom left corner ) . From the compose settings, select Interpret typed HTML . Now everything would appear fine

Before you add "your HTML or JAVA script " make it post friendly by following this linkInside the box provided paste the script and click make it friendlyNow copy the generated code and paste between

<pre> & </pre>
to keep it inside display box

Making the script postable is the only requirement if you plan to show the HTML or Java Script alone , without a display box.

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Add Digg button to Blogger

This is the step by step guide to show you how to add a Digg button to your Blog....
Digg is a social content website where your readers or you can submit content to. If you have a good story, members will 'digg' the post and write comments. As a blog owner, you may want to make it easy for and encourage your readers to submit and digg your articles.

Automatic Count and Vote Button

Before you do that though, you would want to take note of the following:-

1. Your blog should be set to save Post Pages. Post Pages are archived blog posts published to their own web page. Each post will have a unique URL, which is required by Digg for the individual posts to be submitted. To verify or enable it, login to your Blogger Dashboard. Under Settings-> Archiving, set the “Enable Post Pages?” to “Yes” and save the settings.

2. This template hack will put a Digg button to every post. You are therefore not able to choose which post you want to include or exclude a button. If you would prefer to have a Digg button added only to some posts, read the later part of this article on “Button for selective posts.”

3. The code reads the URL of the individual blog page and this shall be the URL used for submission of the story to Digg.

Under “Template”, click the “Edit HTML” tab. Block copy the entire HTML code for your site and save it in a text file. You can also click the "Download Template" link. This is one of the two necessary steps whenever you want to change the template. The second step is of course to “Preview” the new changes, and save the changes only when you are satisfied. The backup you have saved in a text file will come in handy when you accidentally click to save the changes without previewing them. With a backup, you can easily restore the template to the prior state if need be.

Click the box next to “Expand Widget Templates”. Scroll about two-thirds down the template to look for the code that reads:-


If you want the button to show at the top right corner of your post, replace the above code with this.

<div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'><script type='text/javascript'>digg_url="<data:post.url/>";</script><script src='' type='text/javascript'/></div><p><data:post.body/></p>

This is what you get:-

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Add HTML, CSS, or Any script in Blogger Posts

I thought to post about Adding Scripts to Blogger posts as i think many of the people are facing problem, when they add a Html script to their post then that post after publishing comes to its layout........... to stop blogger from doing that you should do a simple and an easy step with your html.
Add < instead of < and > instead of >
For example
you i wanna add this html to blogger post

<p align="left"><form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get">

I would change those starting and ending tags
like this:
p align="left" > form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get"

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Adding Blogger Search Box

Hi Friends...
This post is about adding a Blogger blog search box to your blog. Although Google Blogger have a Nav Bar at the top of blogs.... But if you want to add another search Box ( blogger search box) to the area of your then let me show you

Go to your Blogger account->Under Template->Page Elements tab, click “Add a Page Element” at the place where you want your search box to appear. Select “HTML/JavaScript”.There are several HTML codes posted on the net. I tried a few, and found the one that works as follows:-

<p align="left"><form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get"><strong>NAME OF YOUR BLOG<br/></strong><input id="b-query" maxlength="255" name="q" size="20" type="text"/><input id="b-searchbtn" value="Search" type="submit"/></form></p>

Remember to change YOUR BLOG URL to the URL or web address of your Blog. Also, change the NAME OF YOUR BLOG to that which you want to call your site. For instance, if your Blog Name is long, you may want to write something like “Search Here” or “Search this site”.You can also change the “Search” button to say, “Hit” or “Go”, by changing the Value.Save the code and refresh your page. If you want a longer or shorter search box, you can play around with the size. The above example of a width size="20" and value="Hit" will give you this:-

Search Here

Whereas a width size="30" and value="Go" will give you this:-

search here

The size of the search box is a matter of appearance. You may have noticed that the maxlength="255". This indicates that a user may enter up to 255 characters in the search box, which I think is sufficient and need not be altered.

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